Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mr. Toledano
Again, I've never been big on photography but these photographs of abandoned workplaces (yay recession?) actually made me uncomfortable. And then just sad.
Mr. Toledano has done several series that play on different emotions and curiosities. I found all of them interesting but his "Bankrupt" series affected me the most.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Scott Hove

a man of many talents. He also made the cake sculptures in the post below this one

Scott Hove

Self taught artist Scott Hove wanted to create a utopia through his sculptural work and "Cakeland" was formed. Unfortunately these sculptures only appear to be cake. Hove constructs his pieces out of wood, cardboard, paint and found objects. The two pieces below are the guards of Cakeland. Hove claims that they keep evil doers out of his happy world.
Im not sure if I completely grasp was Hove was hoping to accomplish but I enjoy the delicate "cakes" sculpted on the heads of feral animals. Never seen anything like it :)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Polish photographers Szymon Roginski and Kasia Koreniecka teamed up together for this "sculpture photography" work.
I have never seen something like this and I would surely never think of this myself. Hurrah for new ideas!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ali Cavanaugh
I find this woman's story just as intriguing as her art. She lost her hearing at a young age but she says she sees it as a blessing in disguise. Without her hearing she was able to read the unspoken language of the body.
This is what you see in her work. I think its wonderful :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Michael Deforge
This illustration is nothing like the rest of his work but I love it so much :)

Ruben Brulat